Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Jung Typology Test

When I took the Jung typology test on the small screen of my iPhone, I thought that the questions were interesting, and a bit random-I liked it.  The questions were not too hard for me to answer although I was uncertain of a few.  As a result of the test, I got ESTJ (Extraverted 38% Sensing 16% Thinking 1% Judging 6%), but I am not really sure if I agree with some of the things that fit into this category.  Of course, I would have to agree with some of the qualities that I supposedly contain due to the fact that I like to be organized, and have a strong work ethic.  But some of the things I disagree with would be how it is said that I like to take charge and control people, what occupations I would enjoy and a few other small ideas.  But for the most part I would somewhat agree with what I scored.  I think that I think more than what it says I do though.  I think I also could have scored something along the lines of ESFJ because I like some of the ideas that the ESFJ is said to contain and how they feel and think.

On a somewhat different note, my favorite affirmation came from a teacher of mine.  I appreciated how he said that I help people by encouraging them and bringing a positive light to wherever I go.


  1. I thought the way you opened your paragraph set a good scene for your quiz. Something that I connected with was the fact that I also received a 6% on Judging, and that led me to read the other option of ENFP, which I ended up agreeing with also. I think maybe you might read the ESFJ, or ESTP profile, and see if you draw any comparisons from that one.

  2. I think it's interesting that you have a 1% on judging, because that means you are probably well balanced with logic and feeling. I can definitely see you as an extrovert!
