Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Annotated Bibliography

Danielle Mumm

Mrs. Disher

LA 12/ 2

20 October 2016

Helping in Animal Shelters: An Annotated Bibliography

Accessed 17 October 2016.

This website explains the testing on animals humans do.  Much of this research is useless and does not benefit anything, it just harms the animals.  The site then proceeds to talk about the effect people who help volunteer have.

Accessed 18 October 2016

This website explains the effect that the animals can have on the people as well as the effect that the people can have on the animals. If humans benefit from helping at animal shelters then it will improve the overall manner in which humans treat each other.

Accessed 19 October 2016

This website talks about the benefit people would get if they volunteered at animal shelters.  It helps people learn lessons with the animals that they then can apply to their lives with other human interactions.

Accessed 19 October 2016

This website specifically talks about how volunteering at animal shelters helps children and teens.  It helps them as they become adults because it shows them the right way in which they need to move to better society as they age.

Accessed 19 October 2016

This website talks about mainly the same thing that the rest do, how volunteering can be beneficial to humans.  It says that if we volunteer with animals we will move the things we learn to more aspects of our life, spreading kindness and good deeds.

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